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tv   The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann  RT  February 27, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. republicans want to wash their hands of the widespread damage that will be caused of the sequester goes through on friday but are they ready to give up their main purpose in government in order to do that and the devastating austerity policies that have wreaked havoc on the eurozone help to give rise to influential third parties all across europe problems continue pushing austerity here in the united states could we soon be seen the birth of a new political party. this two days until the sequester kicks in and kneecaps our economy and the republicans have revealed their strategy to put the blame for it on the president the first
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let's go back in time to two thousand and eleven and the sequester was first passed into law it was passed as part of the budget control act remember that that was the deal that the republicans struck with the president to raise the debt ceiling to avoid a default democratic congressman emanuel cleaver infamously called it a sugar coated satan sandwich he knew the sequester would her economy and he knew the only way we could avoid it was if republicans came to the table and agreed to make billionaire corporate jet owners pay their fair share in taxes and we all know that is an app and the republicans have been hell bent on crashing our economy ever since president obama was sworn in for his first term love the idea of the sequester and love the idea of deep spending cuts as self-inflicted wounds on our economy the sequester passed the house of representatives of mostly republican votes most democrats voted against it ditto for the senate seacoast ration was
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pushed and asked by the republicans john boehner even bragged after the sequester was created saying he got ninety eight percent of what he wanted. when you look at this final agreement to be came to the white house you know i got ninety eight percent of what i wanted i'm pretty happy shortly after that boehner said that our national credit exceeded shortly after boehner said that our national credit rating was downgraded as a result of the budget control act containing the sequester budget control act that again john boehner said he got ninety eight percent of what he wanted in so here we are today after a few delays the sequester from the budget control act will kick in at the end of the month this week the republicans know full well that this ticking time bomb they created a bit over a year ago will blow a huge hole in our fragile economic recovery so now they're trying to wash their hands of it as politico reports days before the march first deadline senate republicans are circulating a draft
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a bill that would cancel eighty five billion dollars across the board spending cuts and instead turn over authority to president barack obama to achieve the same level of savings under a plan to be filed by march eighth in other words publicans want to say you still have to cut things mr president but instead of cutting them the way we rode in for we're going to give you the soviets choice of what to cut and that way you'll own the cuts instead of us owning them publicans want to give up congress's primary function of government to constitutionally defined power to control the purse strings and set spending levels just before these automatic cuts kick in so the president obama will be the one to take the blame and they want to force him to choose which americans suffer as a result of this conservative austerity the president is well aware of the strategy as he said yesterday. now lately some people have been saying well. maybe we'll just give the president some flexibility can make the cuts the way he
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wants it and that way it won't be as damaging there's no smart way to do that. there's no smart way to do that you don't want to have to choose between. let's see do i do i close funding for the disabled kid or the poor kid. who i close business the shipyard or some other one. when you're when you're doing things in a way that's not smart. you can't gloss over the pain and the impact it's going to have on the economy we can't just cut our way to prosperity. we can't cut our way to prosperity so how is all is going to shake out time for tonight's lone liberal rumble. resides low or adam bitly editor in chief of net right daily and neil mccabe senior
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writer with human events on line thank you both for joining me tonight. are the republicans really going to give up the main power that the custom to show that the founders and framers gave to congress they have the power to define what gets spent where how and when they might but they've got to act quickly they're going to i think what we're seeing now is a whole debate of oh who's to blame for this let's push it all over to obama let's let's advocate ourselves from this whole thing let's settle the sides came to the table obama signed this in the law the republicans voted for it along with democrats. the democrats voted against it but that support it and obama who could have vetoed did well the alternative would have been for the united least of all is to look genuine see on t.v. and say well now i got to know the republicans who are holding out his gun to his head over what was called the republican republic debt ceiling for a play a cut cap balance it failed that's what they came to the table with initially that
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the sequester was a compromise plan deal republicans put on the table it was job involves your eyes medicare that was not the whole plan and it was it was it was it was there's no way the president could say you know is term medicare in two of those your premium shows sort he just premiums have all or it's about using medicare should not be such a short is it remotely like you know a democratic idea it's a republican idea that it's been in academia and it's been in politics for thirty years the people who came up with premium support were not evil republicans this idea has been around for a long time and a lot of people agree with it it is a bad and cannot happen balance will. an eight year plan to gradually bring the federal government in to balance gradually over time without a doubt tell us why do you need more taxes because you're out why because your taxes on mobile make it four hundred billion dollars and pay not one penny he's got suckered our military is protecting their shipping lanes we are paying the cost we're paint we're paying hundreds of billions of dollars every year for
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corporations to use our commons and use our infrastructure and what are we getting for that optus i think you get something here's what we got from the the deal that we're getting and i'm shipping our jobs or reject this cut cap and balance and they put together the president's plan the compromise deal that came out involving the super committee of the sequester this was all good laboratory that's why decide a compromise what the president's when he signed that into law and within just a matter of days the credit the credit rating was downgraded anybody said it's the republicans because they're not it was your fault because it was a way to just the reason that moody's put forth there actually was a simpler s. and p. put forth was that they had not tackled the growing deficit at all that's not what they said that is i actually what they said that this is what is out of what he says it was going to play the board in place to start actually handle this issue as we're talking about carving a dollar a barrel are you at all or you're toronto known as some piece said that the reason
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that they downgraded our credit was because the politicians implicitly republicans were willing to play politics with the debt ceiling that is what they were and they were watching those as my visuals mr reid the route they i have read it and read it multiple times they came out and said that there was no serious plan put into place to tackle the deficit spending what we're talking about because when republicans were underlay to talk about tax cuts the stupid i suppose although i guess since i just wrote joe's tomorrow status of spending you know the super committee was part of the budget control act and republicans on the super committee including pat toomey. who was the president of the club for growth agreed to revenue increases and at the last minute the president up to the deal and blew it up he agreed to raise a day says to me did they do me and the repub a b. maybe one guy whom he was but he can about it or something know they put their obligations put forward especially still in congress yes in the senate. ok so i
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mean but this is a guy for the present for president a club for growth somebody somebody needs to call grover norquist and tell him the path to me is in favor of raising taxes but are you sure you are or are you he nowhere is this a metaphor for letting the bush tax cuts expire. metaphors for putting cheap in. here the other words when you say raising taxes really what you're talking about obama saying i knew that the bush tax cuts were going to expire he was willing to you know i know there was there was there was and you guys of all that it's actually no there were times it's a no it was it was they were there were real revenue increases rate increases whatever you talked about it was going to be part of the mix and the democrats at the last minute blew up the deal. it's and right now well i will see how this plays we'll see other things i think we've all had our say on this the sequester is austerity i think we all agree on that no i do austerity is reducing spending and it's reducing future spending increases but it's not decreasing spending well but that's about it's going to go back to your smile get
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out of austerity moment let's agree that it's a mild form of us i will let you go back let's let's just go back to two thousand and nine spending tom there was a good life then the. if you want to deflate the dollar to two thousand items that you wanted in europe third parties. it was like what are coming out as a consequence that might actually are coming are rising up it because of austerity you got sarees in greece you've got the five star party. was in italy you've got the pirate party in germany and this is this is really interesting the five star movement in italy got a quarter of the vote it's run by a guy who is a identified in the italian press as a right wing comedian and here's their agenda. publicly owned water sustainable transportation sustainable development free and open internet access for everyone and environmentalism that's like the kid who would run for high school
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class president like in my high school every time somebody ran for class president he'd say everybody all day we're like oh and we're going to have soda machines in the cafeteria and we're going to have an open campus ban these say. let's go through these things that you're saying and probably going to water is a bad idea. well public of the public owns the water now but who's going to pay to put all the users there are privately owned water systems all of the united states all over europe it takes an effort to put it in a pipe and to pump it into clean it somebody does that they don't work for free they're not slay basically government they slaves so they get paid by who was your question is who owns it should should should our commons is water part of our common should water be so that when you look at the water departments in so that are so these guys these hacker ramma water departments you really want these clowns running these things do i really want you know the the people who are motivated by profit or not the public good warning or in the water supply no i don't i would rather have publicly owned waters we have publicly owned restaurants tama never you
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know we don't restaurants i mean privately owned rather so i would have you know it speaking it won't let me i say this table transportation that ok while sustainable transportation is i'm not actually sure what that means. highways are a car about sustainable development that that we know that i mean this is this is let's let's actually focus on what the biggest issues were that this party was pushing these are interesting and you know i say that if the u.s. killing off the banks there is not literally the banks will guess it will you know usually to want to they want to do what iceland did and iceland is now prosperous yes they you know i mean the president the other day said you guys bailed out your bankers we put them in jail or have a good time when people should have gone to jail and this guy i mean that's i mean that's what you're saying you know we're going to belem oh i mean he didn't even do it herbert hoover did was we which was let them fail obama between the i think i have promised have a hand ok while he's continued the policy more of tonight's long after.
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live. the speed. with. a.
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little. so.
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welcome back the lone liberal rumble joining me tonight are adam bitly and neil mccabe let's get back to it i here's something that completely baffles me about the republican party really republican this ardent thing. other than what is there are . stars are upside down why they put a satanic stars in their logo. right now profits as a percentage of g.d.p. are higher than they have been since one nine hundred twenty six you know it's off the scale wages as a percentage of g.d.p. are lower than they've been since the late nineteenth century billionaires are making more than ever and paying less in taxes than ever or not than ever but since the twenty's c.e.o.'s are collecting huge paychecks they're gerrymandering themselves into power to the point that even though nationwide democrats for the house of representatives got more than a million million they have more votes republicans still control the house of representatives they've got this power they deregulated wall street they got the free trade they want democrats in the meanwhile have lost didn't get single payer
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net didn't get their major major infrastructure investments got no got and no cap and trade global warming bill got no caps on corporate spending our elections got no credit card check for labor just the senate the white house aren't yeah well they got that. they have got health care have you got health care is ill they get this massive died frank rogue think this is the right answer to what i don't understand is you know what more republicans seem to like this is good times for a public is higher this is why nineteen well why do you say just like it was in one nine hundred twenty six. they have been around the corner nine hundred twenty seven is everything all yeah that's what happens when republicans are in charge oh sure there you go it's so fact that you know that there were george's lawyers should know not listing all the successes of the democrats here you're saying that because you didn't get everything you wanted on the health care plan that this must be a good day for republicans republicans lost that argument but the republicans. benefactors the billionaires there just like you know fat city often considered
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lost on the on the wall street issue. you still have six i want to hold down a control sixty five percent is jumping out of the trains they own evacuating that is not only public it's not even legal because because it recess the director of the consumer federal protection agency is supposed to be confirmed and it's the confirmation that will spin the agency out of treasury and making it and the over a hold on is not even to fair because the residents in congress won't fund it but the president illegally illegally did a recess appointment and in effect went ahead and spun it off as a rogue agency so you have this huge bureaucracy that answers to no one that regulates every financial transaction in america in my dreams and it is your dream dodd frank is your study also point out the card check i mean it was just a shame that well this just goes administrations go back to they don't have to. lay they're not as heavily regulated by the department of labor as they were that's
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because there is no department of labor there is if there's labor and they've got it out let's sequester the forces our way but now i mean you're right as long as your old senate has filibustered the appointees one one place where obama has rolled back regulations and regulations that existed on on labor unions and they do not have to file the expense of paperwork that they used to where they have to tell their members exactly how they were spending their money that's being that or so on there and people are going to reverse it all as stuff but they have to do it for you right here the president to it so doggone it is sort of this great days for all of. you guys are going to really think republicans are in trouble i think they're very serious trouble and i think that they've been on the on a downward spiral and it is still going i was so did the tea party because this now the tea party is trying to help things i mean to you the tea party has been the backbone for conservatives i mean there i was you know why do you have karl rove and mitch mcconnell when we talk about conservatives we talk about republicans trauma republicans talk about the republican party well i mean karl. eyes upside down stars why do you think mike tell you right now that mitch mcconnell is in
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a very tough race and because he's in a tough race that even in a race he had to actually judge has now been announced don't tease it. and we will get to that but connell couldn't be in a tough race and you know this and karl rove is only very difficult and karl rove is in a situation where i will tell you right now someone in karl rove's organization told me that they are looking for a tea party person who they could back to the helt just to demonstrate their bonifay days with the tea party to sort of mend fences and not only that i mean look this guy just lost three hundred million dollars other people's money on various is that he widely shot we should really so it has given him a lot more of those skills and well maybe maybe not that still to be seen as to what his spending power will be in the twenty fourteen a lot although we don't want to let you say it was. probably twenty fourteen will be very difficult for obama and the democrats i think that he needs to get as much
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done as quickly as possible question see pac said no to chris christie who seems nuts and bolts for conservatives tom chris christie is not a conservative. i mean he he he he had a photo i really president of the room that moto up that was a loving walk on has evolved a lot of. grievances so it was really exciting but this honest christie i don't get it first off you just push push to move and you look very very good medicare expansion but he also has the same cabinet on the rick scott to hold i get it right guys as i guess the biggest dog of recent memory was all going out there pushing that hurricane sandy relief package which lives for a little crazy with a certain six i build you crazy for its people or been wiped out by hurricane strength grows up elsewhere i didn't see it i salute all that awaits us today to help those people to help and also was a dog he did and i choice a pretty if you don't know i was going to cost christie did not join the lawsuit against the patient protection affordable care act christie has not been helpful on
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restoring gun rights which is something he should be taking up if he was a conservative screaming at a teacher's union member on t.v. are you to the office because you want to he says what is concerned ok you know i get it i'm trying to understand some of this stuff it's like looking into a. into officially closer to say this that if i did that's their role but i don't know i did that and they were private group and they can and i remember seeing i mean i've done my show from c pack for the last six years and with one exception one year last year but i'll be there this year but why why did they say no to jimmy just so if i don't get this either what is what is conservative about saying no to a group that's put that is openly republican and openly gay and i've had jimi on this program and i go to issues with him he failed his republicans to the hilt it's not a republican event i know conservative that was joe is a conservative ok i mean he's easy as a conservative as you are really i think so on every it inless you know i don't i
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didn't support the liberation of iraq a pre may well let me just say this he has you know he is welcome to go. and participate in sleeping yes but he's not welcome that was it's a private of their they are allowed to evaluate it on a violent every right to assemble but when i disagree that when did with when did being homophobic become a gay value i mean if barry goldwater said you. are all i'm going to add so you know if i was throwing an event to of libertarians rather than i would have why i think there are issues with non-mainstream lifestyles that are. mainstream non-mainstream lifestyles and then there are other groups it would be contentious and it would create static and it would become a distraction. president clinton ashley judd's who is speaking to mitch mcconnell president clinton has repeatedly said doing nothing during the genocide in rwanda in one thousand nine hundred four is the single greatest regret of his presidency yet here at home there's
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a full blown environmental genocide and collapse happening and we're doing nothing . father is giving away their daughters at weddings ashley judd's said to this day a common vestige of male dominion over a woman's reproductive rights status is your father giving her away at her husband to her husband at their wedding and the ongoing practice of women giving up their last names in order to assume the name of their husband's family which they have effectively into which they have been effectively been traded and she said patriarchal religions of which christianity is one gives us a god that is like a man of god presented and discussed exclusively in male imagery yet legitimize this in seals which legitimizes seals male power is the intention to dominate even if the intention to dominate is no were visible i hope to any of you guys she needs to disagree with any of those positions listen to hacky she's a whack job whether this judge who's name is judge what is was out of saw theirs and what is not true any of those three months and those are her views she's taken up
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a little you disagree with that if you do it is an easier thing to sions and you think a view no way the daughter is not a vestige of patriarchy of let's look that up to the daughter and the father in a situation as i as i know it's a sociological commentary all right and that it's a private it's a private event that people are likely excited to know it's the state it's not to tie it in to to the unprotect sion of unborn children these are the things that she's being criticized for saying well she's and then she's tying it into a willing babies it's crazy now wait a second why do you take issue with people criticizing those statements but if todd akin comes out and says his own version of of his religious views that's on here's another middle of the thought he will automatically prevent conception is railing i agree with what todd akin's i hope not but what i'm saying though is that there. the double standard here where we could hold this whole room come out and state that well i disagree with only one of their position on this about how you are how dare anyone question my vote is a quirky i mean they can they can use it because it is because if they can said was
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factually there was an additional act in addition to raising the word to criticize it on some negative of waging any private religious event the case of a marriage let them make their tell what how they're going to hold that and serve the way it is coming out it is very it's very hostile to the role of men in society which is who have been running society for a long long time don't you think that deserves some mustard not my family not me and then not me no not me please really ok i don't like either my dad's a minister my mom is that of the house i see so every that sort of like this this sort of i don't want to say old wives tale but it's sort of like you don't think the i mean are run in this country that men are run in society that there's i don't think in women there is that women and men in business you're saying women are without integrated also it's women are fifty one percent of the population are they without insurance total control about thirty percent of the nation's assets i know it's a very influential very powerful women or we're getting there slowly but i mean this idea what is wrong what ashley judd this is holding back women why she still causes
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a little power joe only men and there's some so they've outlawed women running for which offices political office of congress and i think the way they run things are seen as a clone point that she's making it is dying man sociologically and i'm very concerned about her oh ok all right all right i got it i'm beginning to understand neal thank you very much good to be with you saw. crazy alert it's not just the cold water it's the polluted water a new study out of the cardiff university otter project has concluded that penis shrinkage and otters is most likely due to pollution in reverse the study monitored the otter population from one thousand nine hundred two through two thousand and nine and found that male otter penis sizes were shrinking along with another
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a number of other of reproductive problems like on the side you see the cendant as tickles and so that's the researchers point out what are called end of this rocking chemicals polluting our rivers as a reason for the shrinkage similar studies have shown these chemicals causing shrinkage in mice it's nice to see snails and even french men unclear if that's also the primary reason for shrinkage among high stands. oh my god. the babies are. really sad. wealthy british style. guys from.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into. kaiser report on a potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but what we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston proper earlier today it was very sticky you can see it starting to become much more powdery down here the bottom line there's still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight. d.c. it is going to pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much
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of in life nobody's allowed to be driving license and emergency vehicles are exceptions. mission. critical three. years three. arrangement three. three. three. three. video for your media project free media. what about the big picture i'm tom marvin coming up in this half hour the voting rights act was passed forty eight years ago to ensure that all americans regardless
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of race or ethnicity have the right to vote to fast forward to today and this act which has been extended time and time again by congress is under attack the supreme court strikes down a part of the act and if so what does that mean for african-americans are the markers and senator elizabeth warren has fought tirelessly to bring the big banks to justice for their role in america's economic collapse and she's still fighting today but she shouldn't have to be fighting wall street alone what is to be done to stop the rampant corruption on wall street and bring an end to the whole idea of too big to fail. in screwed news the day the supreme court heard arguments about whether or not to strike down a section of the voting rights act first passed in one thousand nine hundred sixty five to put an end to racist election laws meant to disenfranchise minorities this graphic shows the jurisdiction currently subject to section five of the voting rights act basically the old confederacy these are areas of the country with
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a history of racial discrimination and those have to seek the approval of the department of justice before making any new election law changes but as you can see many areas of the country are not covered. under the voting rights act and as we've seen over the last year new voter suppression id laws in these states are harmful to minority voters so if anything section five of the voting rights act is to be expanded to cover the whole nation based on how arguments before the court went today it looks like the five right wing justices on the court are poised to strike down section five altogether as laws been extended time and time again by elected lawmakers since it was first passed forty eight years ago the most recent extension coming in two thousand and six are we about to see five unelected judges wipe out this clearly established legislative protection for minority voters joining me now joe madison host of the joe madison show airing weekdays ten to six am on sirius channel one twenty eight and shane farden supreme court reporter with the talk radio news service gentlemen welcome to both of you thank you very very pleased to
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have you have you with us joe scalia made a comment today from the bench about the voting rights act being. a perpetuation of racial entitlement give any idea what he was to no no no. i was outside. at around. and when that comment was me it immediately was transferred outside and people were absolutely shocked by the matter fact. it was just left a reception where members of the congressional black caucus including eric holder was there and it was the talk of the reception is really the talk of the town today . and you were inside and one of the questions i asked people who were inside what was the reaction of the gallery the visitors that were there and it was like hush it was like the air was sucked out of the room because people just said where
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did this come from can you imagine someone saying something as fundamental as the right to vote. protecting the right to vote granting the right to vote isn't and i don't know in the twenty first century to have a justice say that and i think most people don't even know how to respond to it was amazing inside the courtroom it was one of those almost perry mason moments it really everyone they looked at each other did he really just say that to you just say it's a phenomenon that is called perpetual perpetuation of racial entitlement he would refer to books he'd read it somewhere and he earlier said that the court doesn't like to get into racial cases which i find incredible to hear scalia say that because i've also looked at fischer university of texas just this term which he's speaking about he has is he's got to be speaking for himself and the court has certainly gotten from the dred scott for what our state court is i mean it's got
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forward i mean you can go before you're going to go all right i got you going to john adams and and and the various cases be argued i mean this is the most absurd thing that we've ever heard but you know this this this. this pre-clearance provision is extremely important and all one has to do you don't even as speaker after speaker said in the roundly you don't have to go back to forty eight years you can go back to just last year with the efforts to suppress the vote and so many different states and particularly in even in shelby county one of the arguments and maybe you can speak to this again because you were inside that i heard was that argument was made by the attorney for alabama that. there are black elected officials in the state of alabama but the three women
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on the on the bench said wait a minute you don't have one single african-american elected statewide. in the entire state of alabama not one. although i i must do take exception i from what i heard people are saying that kennedy could very well be that swing vote and may not side with the four conservatives based on his questions on kenny's question the the four on either side are pretty much set based on the questions kennedy his questions seemed he seemed that he wanted to overturn it but he wanted to make sure that there was still work protections in place so there's another section of the voting rights act section two which allows any state or any person in state in any state to come forward and challenge a new voting law but it isn't the courts using the courts but it's only after that laws been instituted that section five is so important because if a new law is brought in it has to get cleared before it can be put into place under
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section two basically what the republicans want to suppress a vote in the election and they control the state they would simply put their vote in a law a week before the election exactly and then there would be time to litigate and it can go be it could be anything from the voter id laws that you debated on the show and on your radio show to redistricting that is that is taking place now or did take place after the twenty ten census where they compressed african-american votes into one district to try to curtail their their vote but i mention this again pre-clearance simply means let's take florida for example where they stop sunday voting. that was clearly done and the voter id to suppress the black vote no offense but the republican official bragged about that trying so if you remove a section five pre-clearance which you have to and it's usually a page and
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a half that's all it takes as to why this law is not discriminatory and or you to. it is the justice department or three judge panel here in washington d.c. that's all it really takes but the thing that is so absurd about this is that there has been why bipartisan support down through the years because the civil the voting rights act has to be reauthorized and it's been reauthorized by a wide majority as long as it was ninety eight to zero and i started to zero that was the basis of scalia's attack i was using when he said through the years there's been a dozen nine or so senators who voted against but ninety eight zero is proof that there is no political will that this bill this bill is just so popular that those in the political branches will never overturn it so what they're offering us the court tells us is that what so in other words we have a lot archaea not work well in other words the senators who are now tea party
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favorites all these individuals who are speaking up speaking out just what you are arguing about in the last being in other words scalia says they don't have the courage to do anything about the voting rights act they have how for a two so i'm going to change it in the last time we heard that kind of discussion from the right it was called judicial activists yes absolutely joe you met with the president states a few days back i interviewed him interviewed him and asked him about what might happen if but if my recollection is correct of your interview i asked him about his thoughts on this this case coming before the supreme court is one of the three issues that your listeners wanted you to talk with him about what do you have to say well. it's about in terms of the voting rights certainly did what we just did here he explained the significance of section five the pre-clearance
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clause he was cautious in that he said if in fact the supreme court does. overturn or strike down section five then civil rights organizations and progressive groups and those who want to protect the of the voting rights of individuals may have to look for another strategy and he also brought it up again in section two and he won't he wanted people to understand this that it did not if it struck down for some reason it would not mean the end of the voting rights act. and that's in essence what he emphasized my take on it after the interview was he was he was cautious and and also eric holder and i have had discussions with him he is cautious too because they really the key here is can they simply don't know which way he he will go on this and remember that the reversal or
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repeal of the voting rights act has been a plank of the g.o.p. platform for a while now oh yes so there is a shift don't expect it and if it does get if the only section five does go which it may don't expect them to stop there but this is and that's what people need to understand this is not something new and quite as i think what of what concerned the president were concerned eric holder was that this is an issue that had been brought up only a couple of years ago two thousand in the courts and they were just surprised that here we go again and they're trying to you know yes they're trying to bring it up again and in fact back in two thousand and the court almost invited them to say to bring a better case was very different because of that we have just one minute left just a quick technical question short yesterday the courts you can't find out if you're being spied on because you can't prove you've been harmed right today in this voting rights act case. as far as i know shelby county is not claiming to harm
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shouldn't they have been denied search and they have they're told that they are going to use this prayer and they're claiming they could be harmed in the future effect from the complaints as shelby but that was the argument the africa. yes totally i say it's a pate that they will they will have to apply in the future to get preclearance and they're also arguing the night that we don't this they admit that we're innocent and mean this is what was hilarious yeah we're not saying we haven't violated we're not saying we're innocent you know this but then cern's us is this doesn't apply to all of the districts all of the votes so in other words why are you picking on us when you really ought to apply it to the entire country in fact the attorney for the shelby county said we're not here to try alabama. i think frankly should be applied to the entire country but you know but that's no reason to blow it up in the supreme court that joe madison changed her thank you both for being just. coming up in less than two months on the job senator elizabeth warren has reviewed some of this nation's operate elaters and dug into the chairman of the federal
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reserve but she can't take on the big banks in the runaway finance industry alone i'll tell you what needs to be done to stop wall street corruption and greed in tonight's guilty. ultimate goal is a goal that. her mother.
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would speak. to. her. with. a bomb in a good book series. her. just sleep. and i'm a. little out of my mind i'm a little. wealthy british style. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. he. explains. in the best of the rest of the news a former maryland gonna colleges to allegedly took pictures and videos of his patients without their knowledge was found dead in his baltimore home on monday
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from an apparent suicide allegations surrounding actor nikita levy's actions first came to the service earlier this month and he was subsequently let go from the staff at john hopkins hospital in baltimore since the news surrounding levee broke more than sixty of his former patients have come forward including tell you show bell we saw levy for six years. i can remember at one occasion when we were talking about it she refers to a health issue that i was having been brought up to my back and he was almost. extremely interested. now david haines the managing attorney with the cochran for one of the lawyers representing some of lobbies patients and joins me now in the studio david welcome and the cochran firm jimmie johnnie cochran's from that's right right we're in the d.c. office here and baltimore how cool is that what's the story or yeah this is
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a terrible story which is breaking out of baltimore it's getting worse every day last monday the eighteenth dr nikita levy took his own life and when police searched his home and in his basement they found a huge volume of computer evidence including ten hard drives and disturbingly six servers that come to light and dr lee was under investigation that he had been secretly recording patients for what appears to be years in his offices using pin cameras and toss oblio other fixed cameras and the johns hopkins clinic. in east baltimore and so we have hundreds if not over a thousand women who are very concerned about whether or not they've been recorded and whether or not that information has been disseminated on the internet or what has happened yes servers as in to serve it out into the internet that's right that's right not just for storage but and so the concern is that this was being disseminated possibly in the underground so it worked so what are you all doing
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what's the cockade for so we have instituted litigation we filed today in the baltimore city circuit court a motion to perpetuate evidence against johns hopkins on behalf of our clients to determine whether or not they were on these tapes we have been also spend a lot of our time meeting with clients we represent approximately one hundred fifty women at this point who are all former patients of dr levy we've been gathering their stories and what has not been reported in the media is not only was there videotape going on videotaping occurring but these women were being overly examined improperly examined by dr levy he was examining them without a female nurse in the room which was against medical protocol he was exe giving pelvic exams without gloves he was doing a number of things seen these patients very frequently particularly some patients that he showed a strong interest in and so we have a larger issue here than just videotaping unfortunately it sounds like it so what. it seems that one of one of the few protections that we have in this country
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against bad doctors or bad products is people like you and there are trial lawyers base of people people who and and on the other hand you've got the virtually the entire republican party out there saying we're going into reform you know trial lawyers should not be able to sue our big corporations or our nasty doctors or you know john hopkins or whatever. what. do you do talk to me about this what what is it that you're looking for on behalf of your clients what role does that. les and if the republicans were to have their tort reform and make it hard for you to do your job what would that mean for people like the patients a doctor or the plaintiff's lawyers are not only there to seek compensation for these clients when they have been wronged when they've been victimized but we do a lot more than that the first thing is to try to help get answers for these women who right now are getting none and that's helping to find out whether or not they indeed were recorded helping getting them to counseling or counseling them
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ourselves these women are forming support groups and networks to work with each other and we will work with them every step of the process to try to get answers and also to not only get financial compensation if these women have been victimized which certainly appears that many have been even those who turn out not to have been on the tape right now they're agonizing at home as to whether or not they were taped or not and that itself is a harm and so we also will be seeking to take make johns hopkins and any other entities who are responsible to take the appropriate measures to try to restore this privacy pulls a see mr back the net net of this is that by doing this you prevent future events like this we've got to that's one of the roles of the trial lawyer as well and our civil justice system is not only to get compensation for victims but to improve patient safety that's of the top of our list is try to improve patient safety there's an article out today that this state this clinic did not fall under the
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appropriate state regulatory inspections and so that's when the trial lawyers have to come in on behalf of these victims and the firms band together on behalf of them to try to improve and prevent this this if you don't nobody will that's right that's the david haynes thanks so much for being with us if you don't keep keep up the great work it's god's work thank you. have no fear while millions of americans are struggling to survive day to day in the economic and the economy's in the tank the millionaire banks on wall street are doing just fine because as jamie dimon c.e.o. of j.p. morgan chase at j.p. morgan's investor conference yesterday diamond bragged to a crowd of labor wealthy investors that quote we actually benefit from downturns in
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other words there's so they have so rigged the system that when millions of americans are without jobs and struggling to put food on the table and provide for their families diamon and his wall street fact cap buddies are doing better than ever making a profit off our misery it's such an appalling statement really shouldn't come as a shock after all numerous reports have suggested the j.p. morgan chase and other big banks in gauged in criminal and or unethical activity and it's possible the diamond did too it's inexcusable that these banks continue to rake in millions after destroying our economy and devastating the middle class one way or another the rampant corruption on wall street needs to stop and that's where senator elizabeth warren cub's it since warren was sworn into the fewer than two months ago she's been kicking ass and taken names using her influential seat on the senate banking committee warren has already called out the nation's top financial regulators for failing to take wall street firms who broke the law to trial there
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she was on c.b.s. recently talking about the regulation of banks we have to say as a country no the banks cannot regulate themselves they are financial institutions that run the risk of taking down everyone's job run the risk of taking down everyone's pension run the risk of taking down the entire economy and that means it's appropriate to have some government oversight. and in a february fourteenth hearing warren told bank regulators this we face some very special issues with big financial institutions if they can break the law and drag and billions in profits and then turn around and settle paying out of those profits they don't have much incentive to follow the law one continued taking on this nation's corrupt financial industry yesterday pressing federal reserve chairman ben
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bernanke he about the risks and fairness of having banks that are too big to fail to look i'd like to go to the question about too big to fail that. we haven't gotten rid of it yet and so now we have a double problem and that is that the big banks big at the time that they were bailed out the first time have gotten bigger and at the same time they all investors believe with too big to fail out there that it's safer to put your money into the big banks and not the little banks in effect creating an insurance policy for the big banks that the government is creating this insurance policy not there for the small banks we've now understood this problem for nearly five years so when are we going to get rid of too big to fail. warren also by the way he had no good answer for that war and also asked whether the big banks should have to repay taxpayers the whopping eighty three billion dollars a year keep in mind the whole sequester thing is eighty five billion the eighty
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three billion dollars a year that the big banks get from what is essentially a government subsidy and interestingly enough this amount nearly matches the big banks annual profits and without it c.e.o.'s like jamie diamond wouldn't be able to get their multi-million dollar bonuses and their windfall payouts warrens efforts to point out the corruption and greed on wall street are great she's only one woman and she can alone take down the big banks and successfully regulate them the entire system needs to be changed for too long now we've been following the bush administration approach to dealing with big banks and banks tears when the banks began to freeze and the economy began to crash the bush administration had two choices one was taking the route that f.d.r. took f.d.r. put the put the safety and well being of the american people and the homeowners first bill belmokhtar and soon the economy began to improve and the banks bounced
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back with new regulations unfortunately the bush administration chose option to bail out the banks and some of the people with seven hundred billion dollars in taxpayer money have the fed give them trillions and free lines of creditors sensually free let them get back on their feet and hope for the best so we all know how well that's worked out. time to stop propping up the banks and it's time to end too big to fail one day to it one way to do that is to bring back the glass steagall act under glass steagall we had two kinds of banks one like your neighborhood bank did checks books check books home loans and savings accounts their technical name was commercial banks they also did checkbooks and things for businesses certain kind of bankers water were called investment banks places like merrill lynch used to be goldman sachs where you bought and sold stocks bonds and commodities but you couldn't have a checking betting bank space glass steagall said that these two kinds of banks had
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to be different and separate it couldn't even be owned by the same people they couldn't get into each other's business she always knew that your bank wasn't gambling in the back room with the money in your checking account or your savings account and was now hustling your mortgage to some foreign investment fund. republican senator phil gramm and his banks are buddies particularly those over at enron where his wife when he was on the board didn't like that at all so in the final year of the clinton ministration they put an end to the glass steagall act with a law called gramm leach bliley and that glass steagall act of been protecting us ever since the great depression it's gone the result just like in one thousand nine hundred nine it was predictable the banks gambled lost and crash and they took us all down with them it's time to put back into place that fire wall between commercial and investment banks and and banks that are too big to fail it's time to stop big bank cronies c.e.o.'s like jamie diamond from padding their wallets our
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expense let's turn banking back into the boring and safe industry it was before phil gramm and his republican buddies. and that's the way it is the night wednesday if you're a twenty seven twenty thirty for more information check out our website to tom hartman dot com free speech or r t dot com and hulu dot com slash the big picture and don't forget the barbarously begins with you get out there get out your seat.
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